Review: FaSoLa Cafe (Narita, Japan)

FaSoLa Cafe: Creamia Softserve


FaSoLa Cafe

is an airport cafe offering a wide variety of drinks, including coffee and beer, as well as light meals and desserts.

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Cremia Softserve

The creamia softserve ice cream is made using fresh cream and milk from Hokkaido, and served in a cookie cone. The softserve has a very rich milky and creamy texture, while the cone has a delightful buttery flavor, similar to that of a butter cookie. This softserve is truly amazing and is a must-try! It is an excellent way to end your trip in Japan, on a high sweet note.


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FaSoLa Cafe

2F Satellite 4 (airside)
Narita Airport T2


Travel eSIM for Japan.

*Prices are in USD unless otherwise stated. Subjected to changes without any notice.