Review: Jin Jin Dessert (Singapore)

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Jin Jin Dessert

is a dessert stall located inside ABC Brickworks Food Centre. It sells local desserts that is refreshing and tastes really good.



Cheng Tng

Cheng Tng is a stewed sweet soup made of longan, barley, agar strips, lotus seeds and a sweet syrup, served either hot or cold. This cold version of cheng tng is really refreshing and lightly sweet.

Power Chendol

Power Chendol has really thick gula meleka (palm sugar) and a generous dose of coconut milk, with servings of green jelly, red beans and attap chee (nipah palm seeds). This chendol is really power!

Mango Ice

Mango Ice is a very refreshing dessert. It has a generous serving of sweet mangoes over a bowl of shaved ice with evaporated milk added. Good!

Gangster Ice

Gangster Ice is essentially mango ice with an added scoop of durian pulp. The contrast of flavours between the durian and mangoes is wicked.

Penang Ice Kachang

Penang Ice Kachang is nice. It has sweet corn and jelly bits on the outside, with gula melaka poured over it. Nice sweet dessert.

Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji is kind of a disappointment. It looks more like a mound than a mount. Generous portion of red bean covers this syrup ice mound with evaporated milk poured over. Just average.

Location: Jin Jin Dessert