Review: A. Rashid Khan (Singapore)



A. Rashid Khan

is a food stall located at Ayer Rajah Food Centre. It serves Indian halah dishes that are quite tasty.

Mee Siam

This is a rather good Indian style mee siam. The orangey colour of the mee hoon (rice vermicelli) comes from rempah (a spice paste of of various herbs and spices). The gravy of the Indian version mee siam is sweeter and not as spicy. It comes with a hard boiled egg, tofu pieces, spring onions with chilli and a green lime on the side. You can squeeze the green lime into the gravy, adding a slightly limey note to it. The sweet, spicy, sour tasting gravy with a hint of peanuts is really good.

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A. Rashid Khan

Blk 503 West Coast Drive,
#01-58 Ayer Rajah Food Centre
Singapore 120503