Review: Red Star Restaurant (Singapore)




People’s Park Singapore

Red Star Restaurant

has been around since 1970s. They still serves dim sum from pushcarts. Old school goodness. I like it!

Har Gow

This har gow has a firm crystal skin wrapping up whole prawns. Decent flavours.

Siu Mai

This siu mai has soft meaty minced meat that contains prawn bits. Nice savoury flavours. Quite likeable.

Liu Sha Bao

The liu sha bao is one of their speciality. It has a firm bun coating a watery custard filling that literally squirts when you bite into it. The custard filling has slightly sweet flavours and you can taste the egg yolks used. This one is nice. Recommended.

Braised Chicken Feet

The braised chicken feet is really soft and tender. It has nice seasoning flavours with a slight spiciness to it. This braised chicken feet is rather good too.

Steamed Pork Ribs

The steamed pork ribs is soft and meaty. It has nice seasoning flavours with a tint of spiciness. the steamed pork ribs is nice too.

Seafood Beancurd Skin

This seafood beancurd skin has a soft beancurd skin wrapping up a meat filling containing prawns and water chestnut bits. It is steamed with a nice seasoning sauce. The seafood beancurd skin is juicy and flavourful. Nice.

Fried Carrot Cake

This fried carrot cake contains bits of lap cheong within its soft and yet firm radish cake. It is deep fried with an airy light crisp outside. Fried carrot cake with lap cheong bits is something that is more commonly found in Hong Kong than Singapore. This fried carrot cake is definitely good. Recommended.

Chicken Meat Chee Cheong Fun

This chee cheong fun is rather smooth. It contains soft and tender chicken meat bits as its filling. The chee cheong fun is served Hong Kong style with lots of soya sauce soaking in its plate. This chicken meat chee cheong fun is likeable.

Zha Leung

Zha leung is something that is uncommonly found in Singapore and is something that is common in Hong Kong. It is essentially a chee cheong fun wrapping a you tiao as its filling.

True to its Hong Kong roots, this zha leung has soya sauce served separately in a saucer whereby you pour over the zha leung when you are ready to it. This helps keeps the you tiao crispy.

This zha leung has smooth chee cheong fun and its you tiao is crispy. If only it is served with sweet sauce, peanut sauce and Hong Kong style chilli oil, and it would have been an authentic Hong Kong style zha leung.

This zha leung is considered rather good even when compared to the ones found in Hong Kong. Recommended.


Handmade Chee Cheong Fun

Century Egg Lean Meat Porridge

This bowl of porridge is very smooth and flavourful. Contains some century eggs and fine tiny bits of minced meat. It is topped with some fried crispy bits and chopped spring onions. It is nice. I like it.


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Red Star Restaurant

Travel eSIM for Singapore.

*Prices are in USD unless otherwise stated. Subjected to changes without any notice.