Review: Tasty Soup Yong Tau Fu (Singapore)

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Tasty Soup Yong Tau Fu

sells nice tasty yong tau foo with quite a wide selection of yong tau foo pieces to choose from.


Yong Tau Foo

Tasty Soup Yong Tau Fu does quite tasty yong tau foo. There are an assortment of yong tao foo pieces that you can choose from. After choosing the ones that you want, you’ve a choice of the usual noodles or rice, with soup or served dry. There is even an option for laksa gravy. Shown here are with mee hoon soup and dry yellow noodles.

The soup is very nicely flavoured. The fried yong tao foo pieces are fried crispy and served separately in another bowl. As for the dry version, the noodles are mixed only with oil. You can add in sweet sauce and chilli sauce to your liking into the noodles. You can also have the sauces in a saucer as a dipping sauce.

The fish meat items here are pretty good, with soft and smooth texture. You can request for them to be served fried or in soup. Overall, quite an enjoyable meal.

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Tasty Soup Yong Tau Fu

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