Review: Carrara Cafe (Singapore)

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Carrara Cafe

located in Brickworks Estate, serves food, desserts, beverages and over 100 flavours of gelato and ice cream on rotation.


Gelato & Ice Cream: Local Favourites

Seasalt Gula Melaka

Gula Melaka with coconut milk and seasalt. Well balanced flavours that is not too sweet, just a little salty and with fragrance of coconut milk. Nice.

Seasalt Horlicks

Creamy with rich horlicks flavours and a hint of saltiness. Not too sweet. It almost feels like having a nice thick cup of horlicks.

RELATED Ice Cream:

Brickworks Estate » Good Geometry | Alexandra Village » Good Durian Lab Cafe

Ice Cream:

Brickworks Estate
» Good

Alexandra Village
» Good Durian Lab Cafe

Gelato & Ice Cream: Crowd Favourites

Milk & Honey

Nice creamy milky taste with slivers of sweetness from the honey. Good.

After Eight

After Eight is a minty chocolate flavour. Lots of crunchy chocolate bits with every bite. Nice.

Salted Caramel

This has a nice rich caramel flavour with a slight hint of salt. Recommended.

RELATED Ice Cream:

Brickworks Estate » Good Geometry | Alexandra Village » Good Durian Lab Cafe


Ice Cream:

Brickworks Estate
» Good

Alexandra Village
» Good Durian Lab Cafe

Gelato & Ice Cream: Tea, Herbal & Floral

Earl Grey Lavender

This has a floral fragrant, and a nice Earl Grey tea taste with flowery tones.

Oolong Osmanthus

Nice oolong osmanthus tea flavours, with just a little bit of sweetness.

Bluepea Lemongrass

This won the 2nd place in Singapore Gelato Championship. It has strong lemongrass flavour with a minty taste. May not be suit everyone’s palate though.

RELATED Ice Cream:

Brickworks Estate » Good Geometry | Alexandra Village » Good Durian Lab Cafe


Ice Cream:

Brickworks Estate
» Good

Alexandra Village
» Good Durian Lab Cafe

Gelato & Ice Cream: Chocolates

Belgium Black Chocolate

For a dark chocolate lover, this ice cream is good but just averagely good. Its chocolate taste is not rich enough.

Orange Chocolate

This is a creamy ice cream with rich chocolatey flavours and slight orangey tastes. Feels almost like eating an orange flavoured chocolate bar. Decently nice.

Ice Cream:

Brickworks Estate
» Good

Alexandra Village
» Good Durian Lab Cafe

Gelato & Ice Cream: Cookies & Biscuits


This ice cream tastes of caramel. Nice sweet flavouring with bits of speculous. Good option for those who likes it sweet.

Novel Flavours

Lemon Curd Thyme

Nice sweet lemony tastes and creamy, with bits of thyme. Quite likeable.

RELATED Ice Cream:

Brickworks Estate » Good Geometry | Alexandra Village » Good Durian Lab Cafe


Sherbets: Fruit Base with Dairy

Coconut Lychee

This has strong coconut taste but when you taste it carefully, you can taste a hint of lychee hidden among its flavours.


This sherbet has nicely balanced flavours. It is creamy with a mild sweetness and nice flavours of avocado.

D24 Durian

This D24 durian sherbet is decent. It is creamy with slivers of durian pulp. It will probably taste nicer with stronger durian flavours.

Strawberry Milk

Creamy and milky ice cream with nice strawberry flavours.

RELATED Ice Cream:

Brickworks Estate » Good Geometry | Alexandra Village » Good Durian Lab Cafe

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Ice Cream:

Brickworks Estate
» Good

Alexandra Village
» Good Durian Lab Cafe


Carrara Cafe


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